WordPress аккордеон меню: WPB Accordion Menu or Category — Плагин для WordPress – Accordion for WordPress — бесплатное аккордеон меню для WordPress


Iks Menu — Аккордеон Меню для WordPress Рубрик — Плагин для WordPress


Iks Menu is a WordPress plugin that provides powerful customizable system and has loads of settings for creating WordPress accordion menus.

All previews|WooCommerce sidebar menu|User-friendly documentation with screenshots

Iks Menu — это лучший выбор меню для боковой панели. Этот плагин позволяет выбрать в качестве источника данных произвольные WordPress-меню или любые рубрики/таксономии (категории, теги записей, категории товаров WooCommerce и т.д.).
Он также предоставляет возможность добавлять изображения, как для произвольных меню, так и для рубрик (и поддерживает изображения категорий товаров WooCommerce).
Вы можете отобразить ваши меню на сайте с помощью виджетов WordPress, а также шорткода или PHP-кода.

And you do not need to learn coding to use Iks Menu! Just set all the settings using a specially designed super fast live editor with instant changes and no pages reloading! It will speed up your developing process.

Iks Menu has more than 15 starter skins (6 FREE) — so it’s super easy to use for beginners and very customizable for advanced users.


Iks Menu has 2 plans: FREE and PRO (Pricing and Features).

FREE Version Features
  • Supports Taxonomies (Categories, Tags, WooCommerce products, any other)
  • Supports Custom WordPress Menus (created in «Appearance» > «Menus»)
  • Supports images for all taxonomies and for custom WordPress menus
  • Supports showing posts for a taxonomy source
  • Fast and usable menu editor with instant preview!
  • Customize appearance for any part of menu (colors, fonts, margins, paddings, heights and widths without any coding)
  • Customize appearance for multiple states (like Hover, Current and Children)
  • Supports exporting and importing settings to reuse it again (all settings or just for appearance)
  • Provides various unique settings for your menus
  • Provides 6 free awesome looking skins out of the box: start using skins with clean design right now with just one click.
  • … Just take a look at screenshots to see all features!
PRO Version Features
  • All features from the FREE plan
  • Settings «Initial Expansion» to expand some items, when page loads
  • Expand and collapse animations for submenus
  • Ability to display Posts count
  • «Custom styles» setting
  • Setting to use parents as sub-menu toggles
  • Toggle: 50+ icons and 5+ animations for expanding
  • 20+ skins
  • … Take a look at pricing

Using taxonomy menu you can configure the next settings:

  • Hide empty terms — Whether to hide terms not assigned to any posts.
  • Order by — Field to order terms by.
  • Order — Whether to order terms in ascending or descending order.
  • Hierarchical — Whether to include terms that have non-empty descendants (even if ‘hide_empty’ is set to true)
  • Include terms — Comma/space-separated string of term ids to include.
  • Exclude terms — Comma/space-separated string of term ids to exclude.
  • Search — Search criteria to match terms. Will be SQL-formatted with wildcards before and after.
  • Child of — Term ID to retrieve child terms of.
  • Parent — Parent term ID to retrieve direct-child terms of.
  • Childless — True to limit results to terms that have no children. This parameter has no effect on non-hierarchical taxonomies.

3 variants of how to use plugin. You’ll see menu publishing guide inside the plugin.

  • Widget – Use it directly in widget area
  • Shortcode – Use it anywhere with shortcode
  • PHP code injection – Use it anywhere in your theme with PHP code
  • Get help anytime 24/7 — Ask your question and we will help you anyway
  • See documentation for plugin — Super detailed docs for better understanding of how plugin works
  • Does not suit for you? — Suggest a new features for plugin and we will provide it soon


Check installation process with screenshots in official documentation.

Automatic installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option — WordPress will handles the file transfer, and you won’t need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Iks Menu, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click “Add New.”

In the search field type “Iks Menu” then click “Search Plugins.” Once you’ve found us, you can view details about it such as the point release, rating, and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by! Click “Install Now” and WordPress will take it from there.

Manual installation

Manual installation method requires downloading the Iks Menu plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.

Участники и разработчики

«Iks Menu — Аккордеон Меню для WordPress Рубрик» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


Журнал изменений

  • Search for terms
  • Customizing widget area (header, content, etc.)
  • Shortcode attributes
  • Loading menus by AJAX
  • Group skins by tags (like flat, white, colored, etc.)
  • Translate plugin into other languages
  • WP do_actions and filters
  • Ability to sort custom WP menus
  • New skins every week
  • Ability to order content (link, image, toggle, etc.)
  • Ability to add badges for menu items
1.8.0 — 2020-02-28
  • Added: Now terms, that includes current post will be also marked as «Current» (for «taxonomy» source only)
  • Added: New setting «Expand pages, that includes current page» inside «Initial expansion» settings
  • Added: New setting «Exclude terms (without children)»
  • Added: Special CSS class added for posts items
  • Fixed: Titles’ and descriptions’ improvements of some settings
1.7.9 — 2020-02-22
  • Fixed: Some users had problems with saving settings
1.7.8 — 2020-02-17
  • Fixed: Cache plugins compatibility (i.e. Swift Performance)
1.7.7 — 2020-02-11
  • Fixed: Toggle’s icon by default is «Chevron-1» again, not «Custom text»
  • Fixed: The «Include» setting did not work properly
  • Fixed: Opacity for color input did not change when changing through a picker
  • Fixed: Empty input values were sometimes treated as zeros
  • Mass code refactoring (core separation)
1.7.6 — 2020-01-04
  • Added: New option «Menu order» for «Order by» setting
  • Added: New setting «Icon — custom text» for toggle icon
  • Added: New 4 animations: Fade Up, Fade Right, Fade Left, Zoom Fade
1.7.5 — 2020-01-02
  • Fixed: WPML Compatibility regarding to posts
  • Fixed: Checkbox displaying for latest WordPress
  • Added: Freemius SDK was updated to the latest version
1.7.4 — 2019-11-06
  • Added: Button to tie quad-values for Padding, Margin and Border-radius settings
  • Fixed: Minor errors
  • Changed: Admin Page design improvements
1.7.3 — 2019-10-21
  • Fixed: Not all Toggle icons were enabled for the PRO plan
1.7.2 — 2019-10-20
  • Fixed: Sometimes menu items were not ordered correctly
  • Fixed: «Level shift» setting did not work correctly
1.7.1 — 2019-10-18
  • Added: Freemius SDK was updated to the latest version
  • Fixed: Some problems with caching plugins
1.7.0 — 2019-10-16
  • Added: Ability to show posts for a taxonomy source
  • Fixed: Flickering of editor width and modals
  • Fixed: «Current» term expansion was not working sometimes
  • Fixed: PHP 5.4 compatibility
  • Changed: ul and li were replaced by div to avoid bad themes styles
1.6.2 — 2019-10-09
  • Fixed: Removed basic browser’s margin and padding for UL element
  • Fixed: Sometimes the display of the admin page was incorrect
  • Fixed: Sometimes the «Initial expansion» settings did not work
1.6.1 — 2019-09-26
  • Fixed: Custom styles did not worked for skins
1.6.0 — 2019-09-25
  • Added: Freemius
  • Fixed: Sometimes menu items were not displayed as current
  • Fixed: Sometimes preview was crushing with invalid «Initial expansion» setting
1.5.1 — 2019-09-17
  • Changed: «Hide empty terms» is now false by default
  • Fixed: Not smooth expanding for submenus with multiline items texts
  • Fixed: Appearance of skin #14 without image
1.5.0 — 2019-09-12
  • Added: Ability to set images for all taxonomies and custom WordPress menus
  • Added: New setting «Placeholder» for images
1.4.0 — 2019-09-05
  • Added: Ability to display posts count for terms
  • Added: Ability to set custom «class name» for Toogle Icon to use any other icons pack included in your theme
  • Added: Containers of each menu now have unique IDs
  • Added: New design for modal window of menus creation
  • Fixed: Setting «Initial expansion — Disable» works better
  • Fixed: Now some settings like «Animation», «Transition», «Image type / position» and some others are not «Appearance settings» and it won\’t be imported with skins
1.3.0 — 2019-07-24
  • Added: Settings «Initial Expansion» (allows you to expand certain terms when the page loads)
  • Fixed: Menu collapsing bug
1.2.0 — 2019-07-18
  • Added: Setting «border-radius» for all menu elements
  • Fixed: Sub-menus are now expanded immediately after the page loads
  • Fixed: Errors with verifying license
  • Fixed: Added check for the widget\’s empty title
  • Improvements inside the «Skins» tab
  • Editor now loads a little faster
  • Other minor improvements
1.1.0 — 2019-07-10
  • Added: Now you can press CTRL+SHIFT+S or CTRL+ALT+S to save currently editing menu
  • Added: Setting for changing editor\’s preview type (hide or show underlay background)
  • Added: Settings «width» and «max-width» for Container
  • Added: Inputs of type «Size» now can be set with percentage value
  • Added: Better design for inputs in admin editor (focus added)
  • Added: Better design editor tabs
  • Fixed: Removed unnecessary div container for widget
1.0.0 — 2019-07-04

Меню аккордеон на WordPress

Меню аккордеон – это удобный способ представления контента. Он представляет собой что-то вроде гармошки, которая состоит из вкладок. При клике на ту или иную вкладку появляется какой-то текст. Изначально все вкладки скрывают текст.

Такой вид удобен тем, что позволяет сэкономить пространство на мониторе пользователя, и скрыть от пользователю ту информацию, которая ему сейчас не нужна. При этом если она вдруг понадобится, её можно будет получить одним кликом.

Меню аккордеон также помогает упорядочить текст, скрыв ненужное с глаз. Каждый, кому пригодится скрытая информация, сможет открыть её в этом меню.

Меню аккордеон с плагином Accordions

Вот такое незамысловатое и простое называние у плагина, который создаёт меню аккордеон в WordPress. И работает он так же просто.

Скачайте плагин Accordions, установите его на свой сайт и активируйте. После этого в консоли появится новый пункт «Accordions». Перейдите в подпункт «New Accordions», чтобы добавить новое меню. Здесь вам потребуется написать называние для этого меню, и потом нужно будет рассмотреть опции во вкладках ниже. Есть шесть вкладок:

  • Shortcode. Здесь есть шорткоды, которые можно установить в записи или страницы, а также PHP коды, которые можно поместить в файлы шаблона. Эти коды выводят создаваемое меню аккордеон.
  • Accordion options. Здесь небольшие настройки для меню. Всё на английском. Кому интересно, могут поэкспериментировать. Можно оставить всё по умолчанию.
  • Style. Здесь настройки внешнего вида меню аккордеона. Настроек очень много, и благодаря им можно подогнать дизайн меню под тему, которая установлена на сайте, таким образом, что оно будет выглядеть, как элемент шаблона. В общем, можно проявить творчество.
  • Content. В этой вкладке можно добавлять контент для меню аккордеона. Можно добавлять любое количество вкладок. У каждой вкладки может быть заголовок и тело контента. Единственный недостаток, который тут есть – это отсутствие визуального редактора. Поэтому при необходимости форматирования текста придётся пользоваться HTML тегами.
  • Custom CSS. Для тех, кто знает хотя бы основы CSS, здесь открываются дополнительные возможности в дизайне. Можно задавать собственные стили для меню.
  • Tabs options. Здесь можно настроить вкладки.

После произведения всех настроек нужно сохранить их. Затем можно использовать коды из первой вкладки для того, чтобы вывести меню аккордеон в удобном месте.

Также вам будет интересен похожий плагин, о котором мы рассказали тут.

Лучшие WordPress-плагины для создания аккордеона

Аккордеон – это специальная технология веб-дизайна, которая позволяет отображать содержимое в блоках, которые разворачиваются.

Зачем нужно добавлять аккордеоны в WordPress?

Аккордеоны позволяют отображать больше контента на одной странице. Если вы хотите уменьшить длину публикации, хорошим вариантом будет рассмотреть возможность добавления контента в элемент аккордеона.

Запись на сайте

Вы можете добавить вертикальные или горизонтальные аккордеоны с текстом внутри каждой вкладки. Когда пользователи нажимают или наводят курсор на вкладке, он расширяется, чтобы отобразить содержимое.

Аккордеоны чаще всего используются для добавления часто задаваемых вопросов (FAQ), отображая вопросы в виде вкладок. Однако вы можете использовать их для добавления любого контента, чем освободите читателей своего сайта от бесконечной прокрутки.

WordPress-плагины для создания аккордеона

Для WordPress разработано и успешно применяются десятки плагинов, обеспечивающих удобное размещение контента в аккордеонах.


Accordion – удобный плагин WordPress, который позволяет добавлять красивые аккордеоны на ваши страницы, записи, а также в файлы шаблонов с помощью шорткодов. Имеет адаптивный дизайн и прекрасно отображает ваш контент на всех устройствах. У Accordion есть поддержка шрифтов Font Awesome, которые позволяют вам использовать красивые значки на вкладках аккордеона.

Плагин обеспечит добавление неограниченного числа аккордеонов на сайт. Он позволяет изменять стили для открытого и закрытого аккордеона, скрыть аккордеон без удаления, выровнять текст для контента и многое другое.

Accordion FAQ

Accordion FAQ – еще один плагин аккордеона для сайтов на основе WordPress. Он имеет специальный перетаскиватель, который помогает вам легко добавлять аккордеоны в любом месте вашего сайта. Вы можете сортировать аккордеоны и управлять их размещением, перетаскивая их вверх или вниз в админ-части сайта.

Он имеет несколько шаблонов, неограниченные цветовые опции, поддержку значков шрифтов Awesome, структуру бутстрапа для гибкого дизайна и многое другое. Особенность плагина – быстрая работа, что отлично подходит для ранжирования вашего сайт в поисковых системах.

Tab – Accordion, FAQ

Tab – Accordion, FAQ – это WordPress-плагин, который позволяет добавлять красивые анимированные вкладки и аккордеоны на сайт. Вы можете легко добавить адаптивные горизонтальные, вертикальные, анимированные и другие аккордеоны в записи, страницы и области виджета боковой панели.

Он имеет несколько эффектов перехода, различные макеты, функции перетаскивания для сортировки вкладок и многое другое.

Arconix Shortcodes

Arconix Shortcodes является многофункциональным плагином для WordPress с различными типами выделения контента, включая аккордеоны. Также корректно отображается на всех мобильных устройствах.

Вы можете создавать неограниченные аккордеоны и добавлять их в любом месте с помощью шорткодов. Плагин также оснащен режимом совместимости, который позволяет предотвратить конфликты имен шорткодов.

Easy Accordion

Easy Accordion – очередной плагин аккордеона, который позволяет устанавливать неограниченные аккордеоны и добавлять их на свои страницы, записи, области виджета и в файлы шаблонов.

Приобретая премиум-версию плагина, вы получите дополнительные функции, такие как расширенная система шорткодов, аккордеоны из категорий WordPress и пользовательские таксономии, темы, неограниченная поддержка цветов и многое другое.

Shortcodes Ultimate

Shortcodes Ultimate – это многофункциональный плагин, который поставляется с набором шорткодов для добавления нескольких функций. Во-первых, вы можете добавить аккордеон с предварительным просмотром в реальном времени.

Он имеет собственный виджет, который можно использовать для добавления аккордеона в любую область виджетов вашего сайта WordPress. Shortcodes Ultimate прост в использовании и корректно работает с большинством современных тем WordPress.

Smooth Accordion

Smooth Accordion – простой плагин аккордеона WordPress. Как и другие аналогичные плагины, он позволяет добавлять аккордеоны на свои страницы и записи. Smooth Accordion добавляет значок в визуальный редактор WordPress, который помогает сразу добавлять аккордеоны в ваши записи и страницы.

Вы можете настроить цвет фона, добавить пользовательские стили к аккордеонам и легко разместить свой контент в настройках плагина.

Нажмите, пожалуйста, на одну из кнопок, чтобы узнать понравилась статья или нет.

Мне нравитсяНе нравится

Если Вам понравилась статья — поделитесь с друзьями

Accordeon Menu CK — Плагин для WordPress

Accordeon Menu CK shows an accordion menu in any sidebar position. Just create a WordPress menu, select this menu in a Accordeon Menu CK widget and that’s it.


  • Styling from the plugin settings interface with color pickers and other fields
  • Open with custom animation and duration
  • Instant preview of your design in the interface
  • Multiple use on the same page
  • Widget to use in your website anywhere
  • Description for each menu link
  • Unlimited levels
  • Click or mouseover behavior
  • Custom +/- images
  • 20+ themes preinstalled
  • Import / Export of styles to save and share
  • Custom CSS option
  • French translation included
  • Compatible multilanguage with the POT file
  • French translation included

Get more informations and see the demo on https://www.ceikay.com

  • Styling interface with direct preview. Style your menu without coding
  • Widget options to place in any sidebar
  • Styling presets to apply a design to your menu with one click
  1. Unzip the package accordeon-menu-ck.zip
  2. Upload the folder accordeon-menu-ck to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress

Allows a huge number of settings, yet the frontend code is minimalistic. Uses the jQuery of WP for transitions / easing, so own JS is very small. The only problem is that it includes CSS styling directly in the head of each page, but you can first style the menu using the plugins great facilities, then copy the CSS to Custom CSS in WordPress or your theme, and finally select «No styling» in the accordeon widget. The absolutely best choice for performance freaks — improves your ranking on Google PageSpeed Insights! Knocks the stuffing out of bloated products with more users and reviews — small is beautiful.

It’s super powerful and worth every minute of time to learn how to use them all!

Had some minor issues and the developer fixed it almost instantly. It does exactly what I want and offers plenty of options to style it, or not. Its very flexible and thats why I use this plugin instead of the other big ones. I use it to collect links in a very tidy way in my sidebar. 5 stars from me.

I needed to replicate a vertical sidebar menu on my client’s previous site, which they wanted to carry on to their new site. This plugin’s easy customizability made it a snap. I did have to write a bit of custom css for positioning and separator lines, I think because my theme’s css was overriding some of the plugin’s settings. Thanks for the great plugin!

Посмотреть все 4 отзыва

«Accordeon Menu CK» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:

1.1.9 — 05 march 2020
  • Fix PHP error when using copy/delete action
1.1.8 — 17 november 2019
  • Fix PHP warning with WordPress 5.3
1.1.7 — 29 september 2019
  • [Pro] Fix issue with license page
  • Fix issue with menu using products
1.1.6 — 20 may 2019
  • Add option to show or not the active item
  • Add option to show or not the active submenu
1.1.5 — 26 april 2019
  • Fix issue with 3rd level background color
1.1.4 — 16 april 2019
  • Fix issue with click on parent item if no url
1.1.3 — 08 april 2019
  • Fix issue with opening on active submenu
  • Fix issue with opening on active submenu
  • Fix issue with jquery loading
  • Fix issue with style edition
  • Refactor and update for ceikay.com
  • Fix issue with image selection
  • Open automatically the menu at the current submenu item
  • Add option to open on mouseover

Аккордеон — Плагин для WordPress

Accordions is easy and powerful tool to create accordion, faq, tabs, tab content, frequently asked question, knowledge base, question & answer section, WooCommerce FAQ tabs and many other way to use this plugin. supper easy to customize looks and feel, changing color, font size of content, choosing accordion icons was never easy before.

Accordions by http://pickplugins.com

Plugin Features

Unlimited Accordion & Tabs
You can created unlimited accordion and tabs via this plugin, we never limit your count.

Display via Shortcode
Accordion and tabs can be display anywhere via shortcode under page, post content, sidebar via widgets and page builder
widgets and elements and gutenberg blocks as well. we provided and extra shortcode [accordions_pplugins] to avoid 3rd party conflict.

Lazy Load
Lazy load is very useful and hide content on page load, you can enable to disable this option.

Responsive Accordion and Tabs
We used jQuery UI library to generate accordion and tabs, which is super responsive in any device.

Custom icons
You can set your own icons for accordion header icons, we used fontawesome as font icons, you can change default and
activate icon as well, changing default color, hover color, font size is also available.

Header style
You can style header as your own, there is planty of option available to style accordion header font size, default text
color, activate text color, hover text color, default background color, activate background color and changing header
padding and margins.

Content Style
You can style accordion content as you needs by changing accordion font size, font color, background color, padding and

Container Style
You can change container background color, background image, text align and padding.

Content Editing
You can create accordion content with WP Editor, you can add text, image andother media like youtube video, self hosted
video and etc. Section can be drag & drop sorting. delete any section without
loading the page and can hide without deleting it on front-end.

Import 3rd party plugin data
You can import accordion and tabs data from 3rd party plugin source.

Premium Features

Nested/multi level accordion
You can create multi level or nested accordion with unlimited level, nested accordion can customize as you want.

Click header to scroll top
WHen user click to accordion header it will scroll to top.

Header text toggle
You can display toggle text when clicked on header

Display expand/collapse all button
You can display expand/collapse all button to expand or collapsed at once. you can also set custom text for expand/collapse all button and add custom background color.

Open/Active accordion by url Parameter
You can enable active or open accordion by url parameter, ex: yourdomain.com/accordion-page/?active_index=83|1,2
you display multiple or keep open multiple by providing multiple argument like this yourdomain.com/accordion-page/?active_index=83|1,2-84|1,3

Open/Active accordion by url hash
You can enable active or open accordion by url hash, ex: yourdomain.com/accordion-page#headerID

Header click track & stats
You can track click on accordion header.

Header background image
You can set custom background image and color for each header.

Active accordion on page load

You can choose header to active on page load,

Enable search
You can display search input field to enable search though accordion content. also custom placeholder text for search input field avilable.

Vertical Tabs
You can display vertical style tabs.

  1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.
  2. Go your plugin setting via WordPress Dashboard and find «Accordions» activate it.

After activate plugin you will see «Accordions» menu at left side on WordPress dashboard click «New Accordions» and use the options field «Accordions Options»

How to use on page or post
When accordions options setup done please publish accordions

and then copy shortcode from top of Accordions Options [accordions ]

then paste this shortcode anywhere in your page to display accordions

And the last update didn’t help

Why fix something that is not broken?!

Initially promising with a lot of options to make your accordion functional and colourful. That’s the good news. The bad news is there are a lot of options, too many to make this plug-in useful unless you have 2-3 days to spend (not kidding). Support is hot and cold, patchy at best. Try to search their forum and you get zero results. Plus there are numerous PHP errors showing in the forum. Not a good sign for a «Plug-in developer.» Operationally you make a change to the style and it doesn’t show up! I’m not using a caching plug-in, I’m refreshing the page in developer mode; still nothing. After spending 3+ hours on two(!) accordions I’m forced to use another accordion plug-in. Thanks for wasting my time PickPlugins.

Immediately understandable and clear. Works flawlessly. You do not look any further!

I love this plugin! However, I can’t get the accordions to show up in IE. I have a blue color for the accordion menus, but in IE they show up as grey, almost white and blend in with the screen. Any solutions for IE?

It take more time to load.

Посмотреть все 68 отзывов

«Аккордеон» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:


= 2.2.10=
* 2020-03-19 — add — data migration tutorial update and linked help section

= 2.2.9=
* 2020-03-18 - update - data migration post status to any.
* 2020-03-18 - update - import accordion any post status
* 2020-03-18 - fix - security issue on import accordion fixed.

= 2.2.8=
* 2020-03-18 - fix - minor security issue fixed.

= 2.2.7=
* 2020-03-18 - add - older version plugin link added under help section.

= 2.2.6=
* 2020-03-17 - fix - WooCommerce product FAQ tab remove issue fixed.
* 2020-03-17 - add - 20 3rd party plugin to import accordion and tabs data.
* 16-03-2020 - fix - font awesome version compatibility issue fixed.
* 16-03-2020 - add - 3rd party accordion and tabs data import.
* 15-03-2020 - fix - tabs style issue fixed.
* 15-03-2020 - add - tabs navs alignment to left right added.
* 13-03-2020 - fix - adding new content conflict with 3rd party plugin.
* 13-03-2020 - fix - minor php issue fixed
* 13-03-2020 - update - readmore text update
* 13-03-2020 - add - accordions preview on frontend.
* 13-03-2020 - add - option to enable/disable shortcode
* 13-03-2020 - add - option to enable/disable autoembed
* 13-03-2020 - add - option to enable/disable wpautop
* 13-03-2020 - add - option to enable/disable schema
* 13-03-2020 - add - icon position left or right or none.
* 13-03-2020 - add - Custom class for accoridon header or tabs navs.
* 13-03-2020 - add - Custom class for accoridon content or tabs content.
* 13-03-2020 - add - Container width for different devices.
* 13-03-2020 - update - improved accordion content editor.
* 13-03-2020 - merge - accordion and tabs display under same shortcode by option selection.
* 2020-02-07 - fix - settings tab broken style issue fixed.
* 04/09/2019 - fix - font family issue fixed.
* 22/08/2019 - fix - fontawesome missing file issue fixed.
* 07/07/2019 - fix - Background color issue fixed on internet explorer browser.
* 22/06/2019 - add - Display 3rd party shortcode inside accordion content.
* 22/06/2019 - add - load option for fontawesome version library file.
* 22/06/2019 - add - Optimize css and js file loading.
* 31/05/2019 - fix - export/import js file missing issue fixed.
* 29/05/2019 - fix - optimize script and css file load on admin.
* 21/03/2019 - add - video tutorials added.
* 21/03/2019 - update - update accordion content editor.
* 21/03/2019 - remove - remove help & support menu.
* 05/02/2019 - fix - js issue fixed.
* 05/02/2019 - fix - Import issue fixed.
* 19/12/2018 - fix - First tab active on load for tabs.
* 19/12/2018 - fix - Html issue on header.
* 19/12/2018 - fix - Tabs nav icons toggle issue fixed.
* 08/12/2018 - fix - accordion header html input issue fixed.
* 11/11/2018 - fix - remove fontawesome twice loaded issue
* 29/10/2018 - fix - Icons issue fixed.
* 28/10/2018 - fix - fixed js error on WooCommerce product page.
* 28/10/2018 - fix - responsive issue on accordion edit page.
* 18/10/2018 - fix - minor php error fixed.
* 10/10/2018 - fix - Icon not saved issue fixed.
* 10/10/2018 - fix - Minor js issue fixed.
* 08/10/2018 - update - font-awesome 5 added.
* 08/10/2018 - update - admin settings updated.
* 08/10/2018 - add - accordion preview with responsive added on admin.
* 08/10/2018 - add - custom JS field added.
* 08/10/2018 - add - Expand all/Collapse all button added on settings.
* 08/10/2018 - add - Icon hover color input field added.
* 08/10/2018 - add - Header padding, margin input field added.
* 08/10/2018 - add - Content padding, margin input field added.
* 08/10/2018 - add - Tabs activate event.
* 08/10/2018 - add - WooCommerce Product FAQ tab.
* 08/10/2018 - add - Duplicate accordion.
* 12/02/2018 - add - Accordion export/import feature added
* 12/02/2018 - fix - CSS conflict issue fixed on accoridon edit tabs.
* 24/10/2017 - add - Support link update.
* 23/10/2017 - add - Added Spanish Translation.
* 16/10/2017 - add - Translation ready.

* 31/05/2017 - add - Added filter hook for default minus icon.
* 31/05/2017 - update - adding icon method updated.
* 10/03/2017 - fix - Newly added accordion sorting issue.
* 10/03/2017 - add - Added extra shortcode to avoid conflict.
* 07/03/2017 - update - Content sorting icon update.
* 07/03/2017 - update - Content expand/collapse icon update.
* 07/03/2017 - update - Content remove icon update.
* 07/03/2017 - update - Documentation link added on help page.
* 29/11/2016 - fix - scripts error issue fixed.
* 12/08/2016 - fix - accordion header quotes issue fixed.
* 01/08/2016 - fix - accordion header messedup in non english.
* 27/07/2016 - fix - tinyMCE error issue fixed.
* 26/07/2016 - add - tinyMCE Editor when add new accoridon
* 21/07/2016 - add - added filter to work in sidebar.
* 06/05/2016 - update - font aswesome latest version added.
* 06/05/2016 - update - jquery-ui minified & latest version added.
* 18/04/2016 - update - minor issue update.
* 19/03/2016 - update - font asesome version update.
* 25/02/2016 - fix- first accordion default open issue fixed.
* 25/02/2016 add- tabs features added.
* 25/02/2016 add- Container Text Align, Padding, Background color, Background image.
* 03/02/2016 fix- jquery-ui icon issue fixed.
* 25/01/2016 fix- content sort & WP Editor conflict issue fixed.
* 25/01/2016 fix- minor issue fixed.
* 25/01/2016 add - font awesome icons.
* 25/01/2016 add - Container Custom Padding.
* 25/01/2016 add - Container Custom Background color.
* 25/01/2016 add - New Theme added.
* 25/01/2016 add - Collapsible option added.
* 25/01/2016 add - heightStyle option added.
* 19/01/2016 - update - Minor option udpate.
* 11/12/2015 - fix - Shortcode issue fixed.
* 23/11/2015 - add - admin UI changed.
* 23/11/2015 - fix - minor php issue fixed.
* 11/09/2015 - add - ssl issue fixed.
* 11/09/2015 - add - accordion collapsible.
* 14/08/2015 - add - re-coding & made by OOP.
* 14/08/2015 - add - Hide any section of accordion.
* 14/08/2015 - add - Custom CSS box.
* 09/06/2015 - fix - fix issue for content formating and added wpautop().
* 09/06/2015 - fix - WP editor button width fixed.
* 22/05/2015 - update - UI update for admin content part.
* 22/05/2015 - add - WP Editor for Accordion Content.
* 12/11/2014 problem fixed for content color and font size.
* 17/11/2014 add confirmation before delete accordion content.
* 17/11/2014 Update help page.
* 17/11/2014 minor js error fixed.
* 27/10/2014 Initial release.

Accordion — Плагин для WordPress

Accordion’s wp is a fully responsive HTML & CSS3 WordPress plugin that offering a modern and engaging user experience.

Plugin Features

  • Fully responsive.
  • All Browser support.
  • Unlimited Accordions anywhere in the theme.
  • Use via short-code.
  • 5 Different Themes.
  • Drag & Drop Accordion sorting.
  • WP Editor for accordion content.
  • Custom Title background color.
  • Custom Title Font color.
  • Custom Title Font Size.
  • Custom Content Background Color.
  • Custom Content Font Color.
  • Custom Content Font Size.
  • Content Padding Option.
  • Add and remove accordion item from backend.
  • Highly customized for User Experience.
  • And Many More…

Pro Version Features

  • All Features of the free version.
  • Fully responsive.
  • 8+ different Themes.
  • Widget Ready.
  • Unlimited Domain.
  • Support wysiwyg text editor.
  • Create accordions by group.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Drag & Drop accordion items sorting.
  • Add and remove accordion item from backend.
  • Use via short-codes.
  • Accordion header title font size.
  • Accordion header title font color.
  • Accordion header title text position.
  • Accordion header title background color.
  • Show/Hide Accordions expand/collapse icons options.
  • Accordion header closeAble true or false Options.
  • Expand/collapse Slide speed of Animation Options.
  • Accordion content font size.
  • Accordion content font color.
  • Accordion content background.
  • Custom Accordion Padding Options.
  • Accordion area background image Options.
  • Accordions Area Padding Options.
  • Support Any videos (Ex: youtube, vimeo )
  • Valid HTML5 & CSS3 layout.
  • Highly customized for User Experience.
  • Clean Design & Code.
  • Unlimited accordion anywhere in the themes or template.
  • Work in all browsers and mobile devices.
  • Life Time Self hosted auto updated enable.
  • 24/7 dedicated support forum.
  • Well Documentation.
  • And much more!

Upgrade to Premium!»

Why Accordion Pro ?

  • Unlimited Features.
  • Self Hosted Auto Update Enable.
  • 24/7 Dedicated Support Forum.
  • Continuously Updated New Features.
  • One Time Purchase.
  • No Hidden Charge.
  • No Yearly Charge.
  • Reasonable price.


Once the accordion-wp folder has been uploaded, you can activate the plugin. Go to your WordPress admin panel and select the ‘Plugins’ menu option. You should see a new plugin listed, Accordion-Wp. Click Activate to activate the plugin.

Using the Plugin

Once the plugin has been activated, a new menu called Accordion will appear in menu section. There are Three menu options: ‘Accordion’, ‘Add New Accordion’ & ‘Help & Support’.

Creating First Accordion

Click the Accordion submenu entry entitled ‘Add New Accordion’. This will take you to the accordion creation and editing page, Then click Add New Item to add accordion.

Begin by entering a title & description for your accordion. Description Content can be entered using the Visual or HTML content editors. Any valid HTML content (e.g. images, video etc.) can be displayed inside accordion.

To add a new accordion, Just click the ‘Add New Item’ button & fill all the data .

To remove a Accordion, click the ‘Remove’ button located top right side of the accordion title or visual editor.

Inserting Accordion into a Post/page or Widget

After Publish your accordion, you’ll see a notification that the accordion has been Published, then go to ‘Accordion Configure ’ change your own settings & Shortcode tab copy the shortcode & paste into any where into your post/page or text widgets. save your post/page or widgets and browse to see your accordion.

Note :

Some features is not available in free version . Upgrade Premium!» to unlock all amazing features.

Using The WordPress Dashboard

  1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.
  2. Go your Pluings setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.
  3. After activate plugin you will see «Accordion» menu at left side on WordPress dashboard and find «Accordion Option Configuration»

Using FTP
1.Extract accordions-wp.zip to your computer.
2.Upload the accordions-wp directory to your wp-content/plugins directory.
3.After activate plugin you will see «Accordion» menu at left side on WordPress dashboard and find «Accordion Option Configuration»

How to use short-code?
When accordions options setup done please copy & paste shortcode into your theme any where you want to display this accordions.

Једини је проблем јер нема ажурирања.

I tried the free version and it seemed to meet all my needs. I upgraded to the Pro version, as the free version has limits on number of accordions. The Pro version doesn’t work with the current version of WordPress. I requested support, only to receive a reply the next day that they were on EID vacation. No idea when support would even contact me, poor service! I have requested a refund.

Very nice plugin and support was very quick, thx guys

I tested ALL the WordPress accordion and FAQ plugins that I could find. I spent 10 hours installing and testing the various plugins and this accordion plugin stands out from all the others. I am adding this plugin to a website that will be used by people who are not familiar with WordPress and who are not technically inclined. Most of the other plugins were way too complicated and hard to figure out. This accordion is super intuitive, easy to figure out how to make an accordion. Also, this accordion has the most style options and the style options are super easy to figure out how to use. All around excellent plugin. Also, the support staff are very responsive and helpful.

plugin works fine. quick replies and friendly support for personal css adjustments.

Simply works, beautiful layout, perfect.

Посмотреть все 8 отзывов

«Accordion» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:

  • Update Option Page.
  • Fix CSS Issues.
  • Update Option Page.
  • Fix CSS Issues.
  • Update Option Page.
  • Added New Options.
  • Update Admin Interface.
  • Fix CSS Issues.
  • Update Option Page.
  • Fix Color Picker Issues.
  • Update Option Page.
  • Fix Javascript Issues.
  • Update Option Page.
  • Fix CSS Issues.
  • Fix javascript Issues.
  • Update Option Page.
  • Fix CSS Issues.
  • Fix shortcode inside accordion item issues.
  • Fix Accordion wysiwyg content display issues.
  • Update Font Size Options.
  • fix accordion admin js issues.
  • Fix Unlimited Accordion Support issue.
  • Added Repeatable Field for accordion content.
  • WP Editor for accordion content.
  • Remove Old Option Page.
  • Added New Option Page with new settings.
  • Fix Css Issues.
  • Added Support Option page.
  • fix plugin header problem
  • fix post limit.
  • add option in setting page.

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