Стандартная галерея изображений WordPress или специальный плагин
Здравствуйте, друзья!
Я продолжаю свой цикл статей о работе с блогом на базе CMS WordPress.
В предыдущих постах говорилось о медиафайлах, о том, как вставить и настроить единичное изображение в запись. Но иногда возникает необходимость поместить в записи сразу большое количество изображений. Например, вы написали отчет о какой-либо поездке, путешествии, мероприятии и вам нужно проиллюстрировать его фотографиями. В этом случае в записи создается галерея изображений WordPress.

Что такое галерея?
Что она собой представляет? Это просто несколько фотографий, расположенных ровными рядами. Движок WordPress имеет в своем функционале встроенный редактор галереи. О нем и пойдет речь, но сразу следует отметить, что его возможности очень ограничены. В этом редакторе нельзя создать галерею с использованием различных визуальных эффектов, таких как увеличение картинки, слайд-шоу, перелистывание и т. д.
Использование плагинов: за и против
Для того чтобы создать полноценную галерею с применением этих эффектов, нужно использовать специальный плагин. Таких плагинов создано немало, но сейчас речь не о них. Кроме того, прежде чем ставить плагин галереи, нужно точно решить, а нужен ли он, целесообразна ли его установка.
Например, когда я создал свой блог, я сразу установил на него плагин фотогалереи. Он давал возможность просматривать фотографии, плавно увеличивая размер, в виде слайд-шоу и т. д., но после анализа загрузки с помощью плагина P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler) оказалось, что он потребляет слишком много ресурсов, и из-за него значительно увеличивается время загрузки сайта. Пришлось его удалить. Но нужен ли он? У меня не фотоблог, просматривать в увеличенном изображении нужно лишь некоторые изображения, слайд-шоу вообще не требуется, поэтому такой плагин на моем блоге просто не нужен. Плавное увеличение некоторых картинок реализовано с помощью встроенного кода.
Вот поэтому, прежде чем решать, какой вид галереи вам нужен, хорошо подумайте.
Вставка в запись
Но вернемся к встроенному в WordPress редактору. Чтобы вставить галерею в запись, также как и для вставки изображения, щелкаем на кнопке Добавить медиафайл, но потом в открывшемся окне слева выбираем пункт Создать галерею.
После этого нужно указать изображения для галереи. Их можно загрузить с компьютера или выбрать уже загруженные в библиотеку. Причем, в этом случае можно отметить несколько файлов сразу (при вставке изображения галочку можно было поставить только на одном).
Настройка галереи
После выбора фотографий следует настройка. Здесь параметров немного.
Ссылка – можно выбирать из трех вариантов: Медиафайл, Страница вложения и Нет. Если выбрать первый, то при щелчке на картинке она будет открываться в окне браузера в реальном размере, во втором случае откроется страница блога, содержащая только одно изображение, а в третьем – ничего не произойдет.
Следующий параметр – число колонок. Оно зависит от ширины страницы вашего блога и выбранного размера фотографий.
Порядок отображения может быть случайным, если поставить галочку в соответствующий чекбокс, или тот, в котором эти фотографии находятся в библиотеке.
И последнее, что можно выбрать – размер изображения: миниатюра, средний, большой, полный. Удобно, когда изображения, помещаемые в запись, имеют одинаковые размеры или, хотя бы, одинаковые пропорции. Тогда их можно располагать по несколько в ряд. С разными по размерам изображениями это будет выглядеть не очень хорошо.
Редактирование галереи
Редактирование позволяет легко и быстро выбрать наиболее удачный вариант отображения.
Чтобы перейти к этой операции, кликаем по любой картинке и видим две кнопки Изменить и Удалить. Нажимаем Изменить и приступаем к редактированию.
Картинки можно сортировать обычным перетаскиванием, включить обратный порядок показа, удалять, добавлять. Можно изменять размеры и число столбцов. К каждой фотографии можно сделать подпись.
Во многих случаях стандартной галереи WordPress для блога вполне достаточно, но если вам этого мало и хочется дополнительных эффектов – устанавливайте специальный плагин. Вот список некоторых, которые можно попробовать:
- NextGEN Gallery
- Grand Flagallery
- Plugin Photo Gallery
- Tribulant Slideshow Gallery
- Heroic Gallery Manager
- Huzzaz Video Gallery
- oQey Gallery
- Fancy Gallery
- Photospace Gallery
- Eazyest Gallery
- WOW Slider
Возможно, в одном из постов я напишу о них подробнее.
Подписывайтесь на обновления блога, чтобы не пропустить новые, интересные и полезные статьи.
Я уже писал, что еще одно мое увлечение – фотография, поэтому в качестве примера предлагаю посмотреть подборку некоторых моих фотографий. Их размер 640*480, расположение в один столбец.
Напишите в комментариях, как у вас настроен показ изображений, какие плагины используете или рекомендуете. Это очень интересно.
Поделитесь статьей в социальных сетях.

Gallery Manager — Плагин для WordPress
Gallery Manager is the most innovative state of the art WordPress Gallery Management tool which enables you to organize image galleries easily in your WordPress backend. Furthermore this gallery plugin adds a beautiful awesome javascript lightbox effect (touch-enabled, responsive, optimized for both, mobile and desktop, web browsers) to all links pointing to an image anywhere on your website. This includes images in your posts, galleries, pages, sidebar widgets and anywhere else on your website.
All links pointing to an image will automatically opened in a responsive lightbox. You do not need to care about any tag attributes or link classes, the plugins takes care about that for you. When using the default shortcode the images will get a «previous», «next» and a slideshow button. The gallery itself uses your themes gallery style and keeps your common identity untouched.
Gallery management features
- Organize image galleries separated from posts or pages
- Centralized gallery management. Enjoy a single location where you can see and manage all your galleries
- Automatically generated index page with all galleries
- Every gallery has its own page with unique URL
- Taxonomies to classify your galleries: Categories, Tags, Events, Places, Dates, Persons, Photographers.¹
- Both, tags and categories, are disjunct from your post tags and post categories
- Supports gallery comments²
- Supports featured images as gallery thumbnails²
- Supports excerpts for your uploaded galleries² (the same way you already know from regular posts)
- Excerpts can contain a text description and a random set of preview images
- Supports WordPress user permissions and capabilities¹
- Supports the WordPress menu system and enables you to add all components of your galleries to any menu
- Import and export directly via the official «WordPress Importer» by Automattic Inc.
Lightbox features
- Javascript lightbox support for all linked images on your website
- Has «Previous» and «Next» buttons
- Shows image title and description
- Lightbox is touch-enabled, responsive and mobile-friendly
- Supports swipe function for touch screens – works with every smart phone and tablet
- Awesome image slideshow function
- Indicator thumbnail images below the full size image
- Uses the full screen size for presenting your image
General features
- SEO conform URL structure for all kind of pages
- Supports WPML flawless
- Supports the WordPress theme template hierarchy and the parent-child-theme paradigm
- Supports user defined HTML templates
- Supports RSS feeds for the gallery index and for the comments of each gallery
- Custom thumbnail sizes¹
- Fully compatible with all existing themes with archive template
- WordPress filter to modify your galleries code and style
- Widget to display random images from your galleries in the sidebar
- Widget to display galleries as list in the sidebar
- Widget to display the gallery taxonomies as list or cloud in the sidebar
- Applies your themes gallery style
- Completely translatable — .pot file is included
- Includes a bunch of filters to give you the control of the behavior of this piece of code
- Clean and intuitive user interface
- Works great with WordPress Multisite
- Personal one-on-one real-time support by the developer¹
- No ads or branding anywhere — perfect white label solution¹
¹ Available in Gallery Manager Pro.
² Your theme needs to support this too.
Gallery shortcode
Of course you can use «exclude» and «include» parameters in your shortcode like you already know from the traditional gallery shortcode. The Gallery Manager plugin does not touch the mechanic of the default shortcode.
You can find the settings page in your Dashboard -> Settings -> Galleries.
Template files
All plugin outputs can be changed via user defined HTML templates. Just put the templates you want to overwrite inside your theme folder (no matter if parent theme or child theme). You can find the default templates in the plugin folder in «templates/». You can find a list of the available template files in documentation of the pro version.
Questions and support requests
Please use the support forum on WordPress.org only for this free lite version of the plugin. For the pro version there is a separate support package available. Please do not use the WordPress.org support forum for questions about the pro version or questions about my services! Of course you can hire me for consulting, support, programming and customizations at any time.
Pro Version
Gallery Manager is available as premium version too. In the premium version you can use all options and features which are restricted in the lite version.
Possibly even more important, buying the premium edition gives you access to me and my support team. You can email us your questions about usage of the plugin or your problems in setting it up and we will assist you in no time!
- This Plugin is available in English.
- Diese Erweiterung ist in Deutsch verfügbar. (Ulrike Seddig)
Translate this plugin
This plugin is community translated. You can help translate it or improve existing translations on the official translation plattform.
You can find the Translation.pot file in the languages/ folder in the plugin directory. The textdomain of this plugin is «fancy-gallery».
Минимальные требования
- WordPress 4.6 or greater
- PHP version 5.6 or greater
- PHP 7 is strongly recommended
- MySQL version 5.6 or MariaDB 10 or greater
Автоматическая установка
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you do not need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of Gallery Manager, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the plugins menu and click «Add New».
In the search field type «Gallery Manager» and click «Search plugins». Once you have found my gallery plugin you can view details about it such as the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking «Install Now».
Ручная установка
The manual installation method involves downloading my gallery plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex contains instructions on how to do this here.
Automatic updates should work like a charm; as always though, ensure you backup your site just in case.
Ansich gutes Plugin, leider habe ich auf meine Anfrage vom 14. Januar über das Supporttickettool auf der Webseite keine Antwort erhalten — Bis man das Formular ausfüllt dauert es ewig zudem (wenn man das nicht macht) kostet es 39,-€….
Mit dieser Galerie arbeite ich sehr gerne, sie ist hervorragend und einfach zu bedienen, ebenso hervorragend ist die schnelle Hilfe! Hierfür ein ganz großes Dankeschön!
Very good plugin gallery : simple, full, fluid, ergonomic and promising ! try it, you will like it 🙂We integrated the pro version for a client project and needed to show custom content (coypright info) to the lightbox and the image galleries. Our support requests were answered pretty quickly with some helpful advice as well as an updated plugin code (incorporated new filter hook) in order to enable us implementing our customer requests without code hacks. Recommended all-in-one plugin solution for galleries so far!
Dieses Plugin ist mit Abstand das Beste was es zur Zeit auf dem Markt gibt. Es ist einfach zu handeln, sehr übersichtlich und bietet viele Einstellungen. Eine Supportanfrage von mir wurde innert 24h zu meiner vollen Zufriedenheit beantwortet.
Average. Plugin is uncomfortable settings and one has obtrusive advertising.
«Gallery Manager» — проект с открытым исходным кодом. В развитие плагина внесли свой вклад следующие участники:
УчастникиLimb Image Gallery — Плагин для WordPress
Limb Gallery is a very effective WordPress plugin which allows you to make creative photo and video galleries with responsive layouts and customizable styles. The process of the photo and video gallery creation is very easy and enjoyable due to its high speed and the fact that the main actions of the plugin, such as adding images and preview images are animated movements. Limb Gallery have 5 different views for gallery and 3 views for album. Moreover, one gallery can be published multiple times with different themes and options and you can also collapse them into the albums and publish them, too. The plugin has a single page admin which enables you to control everything just from one single page. It also has a very functional built-in uploader which accelerates the process of the gallery and album creation with the help of its advanced functions, such as uploading, renaming, deleting images and creating folders. Finally, Limb Gallery has a very important characteristic which is the opportunity to choose the exact pro-features of the plugin that you need without purchasing the others.
Limb Demo
Free key features
- Unlimited galleries
- Unlimited albums
- Gutenberg enabled
- Custom order with «Drag and Drop»
- Full width gallery
- Widget gallery
- Social gallery
- Video gallery
- Mix content (uploaded photos, youtube/vimeo videos, instagram photos/videos, flickr photos) gallery
- Two default themes from our disigners (Tender black, Black)
- Limb media uploader
- WordPress media library
- Creating folders in uploader
- Editable shortcode popup window
- Carousel gallery
- Thumbnail gallery
- Thumbnail album
- Masonry gallery
- Masonry album
- Customizable lightbox
- One lightbox effect
- Social shareing in lightbox
- Swipe functionality in lightbox
- All CSS styles are external
- Load more button
- On scroll loading
- Pagination with numbers
The shortcode function of the plugin allows to publish one gallery in multiple ways due to many editable options. Add Limb Gallery button is available both in visual and text tabs of wp editor. The function also gives the opportunity to set the type of layout for gallery and parameters based on the chosen view type. Moreover, the main options for the creation of the lightbox are also in the shortcode function.
Custom order with «Drag and Drop»
With drag and drop the order of images in the gallery can be custom. No matter when the image was added to gallery, it can easily get a new order.
Video Gallery
Social and video galleries are also available. Gallery can be created via YouTube and Vimeo videos and can include Instagram photos/videos and Flickr photos, too.
The lightbox with high functionality allow to view images, create slideshows with multiple effects. There are also options which enable social sharing which help users to share images in Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. The comments function allow to post comments to images.
Pagination can be produced with following ways: scrolling, numbers, load more button.
Responsive layouts
Plugin is fully responsive, so users can view it on any device.
Pro key features
- The opportunity to create unlimited themes with over 300 parameters
- Filmstrip
- 26 Lightbox Effects
- Mosaic gallery
- Mosaic widget gallery
- 3D Carousel gallery
- Comments in lightbox
Limb Gallery has over 300 theme styles that allow you to create powerful themes. Moreover, the count of themes is not limited and one can get multiple styles for the same gallery and change them anytime. We try to get more customizability for getting creative design for a gallery. Each part of a gallery view can be styled with the user’s own manner.
This is a great feature for showing images in lightbox alongside with the main image since it helps you to navigate to the exact image from lightbox easily without opening and closing the pictures many times. There is a move count option for filmstrip navigation in order to set how many images to move by one click.
26 Lightbox Effects
There are 26 effects that Limb Gallery Lightbox possess which make the slideshow more attractive and enjoying.
There are different approaches to show gallery. Our plugin enables to create attractive galleries with Thumbnail, Carousel, Mosaic and Masonry layout types and there are more than 100 styles for their customization. Multiple hover captions such as full width containers, justified aligning of images, etc., allow to show the images in more attractive way.
Limb Gallery gives viewers the opportunity to share their impression easily by posting comment in lightbox. They can discuss the image immediately in the gallery and the owner can also review the received comments and opinions.
Learn more about Limb Gallery features.
If you have suggestions about the creation of some new functions for Limb Gallery or customization of the existing functions or if you face some problems related to the plugin, you are always free and welcome to contact us at [email protected].
Limb gallery is developed according to the modern website’s requirements, that gives our users the opportunity to create galleries in a unique way.By our systematic updates, we are always trying to stay in the frames of the current trends of WEB development.We just not fix the bugs but always try to bring something new and useful for our users.
In case you need additional help you are always welcome to contact us.
Thank you for the interest.
Best Regards,
Limb Gallery team
[email protected].
Minimum requirements for Limb Gallery.
- WordPress 3.3+
- PHP 5.x
- MySQL 5.x
Gallery – Фотоальбомы Plugin — Плагин для WordPress
Homepage | Documentation | Support | Demo | Premium Version
Gallery Image – Photo Albums Plugin will help you to create gallery, filterable image gallery, photo album, portfolio and also simple picture to an image slider, image carousel, youtube and vimeo video gallery and audio playlist. This free gallery plugin represents a perfect solution for your website.
This gallery plugin also very customizable that allow you to adjust colors, positions, grid, media sizes, hover effect and much more with one easy control panel. That easy control panel for experts it would save your time, and for you who do not have more knowledge about web programming, of course this Image Gallery plugin will allow you to manage all of your media much more easily.
Gallery and Photo Albums Demo
Demo for Lite and Pro Version
Gallery / Image Gallery
Just create gallery using Multiple Image ( Slider ) media type , select/uploads an images and save the media, after that put the gallery using Easy Media Shortcode Generator. DONE! Your gallery will ready just in minutes. NO NEED to RE-UPLOAD all your images, NO NEED to SET ANY FOLDER PERMISSION. You can choose and insert an images that already uploaded in WordPress media library. When you upgrade to pro version you will be able to create gallery with pagination, gallery with filter / category and gallery with more than 10 lightbox styles. Learn more here
With Lite Version you can create up to 3 photo album or gallery ( max 15 images per album ). You can upgrade to Pro Version to be able to create unlimited galleries and photo albums.
Image Slider / Photo Slider
With Pro version you can create image slider easily. We also already provide another plugin to create image slider. Please try Image Slider Plugin.
Image Carousel
In Pro version you will easily built Image Carousel. Same as the slider features, we also provide separated plugin named Image Carousel plugin. Enjoy it!
This plugin allows you to embed and displaying videos using lightbox overlay. You can embed Youtube, Vimeo and MP4 video. Pro version of this media gallery plugin will provide a good video interface created with HTML5.
Not only Video, Easy Media Gallery also allows you to embed audio. You can embed mp3 audio format with ease. We also added another feature that enabled you to embed audio from Soundcloud and Reverbnation in Pro Version.
Карты Google
The Importance of Getting Your Business Listed in Google Maps. With PRO Version you can embed Google maps, Google street view and Google business view easily.
Video and Audio Features
Easy Media Gallery supports a wide range of video and audio. Simply link to hosted video or Youtube/Vimeo and also mp3 audio. You can embed video from the following sites :
- ЮТуб
- Vimeo
- Veoh
- DailyMotion
- MetaCafe
- Google Video
- Livestream
- Revver
- Rutube
- Flickr
- Ustream
- Youku
- Tudou
- Viddler
- MP4 (MP4 HTML5 player for Pro version and Flash player for Lite version), MOV, SWF, M4V, M4A, FLV
And also can be used to embed audio from :
- Soundcloud
- Reverbnation
- 4shared
- Self hosted MP3
Take your gallery to the next level with Gallery Pro Version, which gives you additional features such as:
- Super Easy to use for Beginners
- Create unlimited number of gallery or album
- Adjustable Gallery Rows/Columns/Spacings
- Various Animation Types for Slider or Lightbox Gallery
- No coding, the plugin takes care of everything
- Media / gallery are built on-the-fly as you enter and select options
- Works with all modern browsers, degrades gracefully for others
- Fully CSS3 compliant with text shadowing, box shadowing, gradients, etc
- Color picker for unlimited color combinations
- Display your media gallery on different theme
- 3 Skins for main Lightbox See Example
- More than 10 lightboxes for your gallery or photo albums See Example
- Backup & Restore Settings
- Powerfull control panel and Shortcode Manager make getting started super easy
- Responsive & Mobile Optimized
- Extensive Documentation & Tutorial Videos
- 24/7 Technical Support
Рекомендуемые плагины
The following are other recommended plugins by the author:
- Contact Form Plugin — The Best Contact Form Plugin to create awesome Contact Form just in minutes.
- Slider Plugin — Easy Image Slider Widget — Displaying your image as slider in widget/sidebar area with very easy. Allows you to customize it to looking exactly what you want.
- Instagram Feed Plugin — Display your Instagram media as masonry gallery in WordPress site with very easily.
- Icon Fonts Plugin — Select and insert icon into your post or page just in one click. More than 2.5k icons available.
- Gallery Lightbox — Gallery Lightbox — Displays all gallery images into the lightbox slider in just a few seconds.
- Image Carousel — Touch enabled WordPress plugin that lets you create a beautiful responsive image carousel.
- Popup Builder Plugin — The Best Popup and Subscription Form Plugin to display notify popup, announcement and subscribe form with very ease, fancy and elegant.
- Italiano / Italia
- Deutsch / Deutschland
- Espanol / Espana
- French
- French (Belgium)
- Bahasa Indonesia
- Nederlands / Nederland
- Polski / Polska
- Brasil
- Hebrew
- Romana / Romania
- Hungarian
- Русский
- Russian — Ukraine
- Malay / Malaysia
- турецкий
- Slovak
- Swedish
- Chinese — Singapore
- Bulgarian
- Portuguese
- Spanish (Chile)
If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files for GhozyLab and we’ll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit.
Technical Support
If any problem occurs or if you think, that you found a bug please contact us at here.