Remote work перевод: remote work — Перевод на русский — примеры английский – remote work — с английского на русский

remote work — Перевод на русский — примеры английский

Возможно, Вы имели в виду: remote or remote for promote work

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I’m looking for remote work — 3D graphics, music and audio, web design.

Better use of technologies, to adapt to the new process of surveying; Innovative work culture, smart working tools, remote work etc.

Совершенствование использования технологии, адаптация к новым процессам обследований, культура нововведений, разумные инструменты труда, работа на удалении и т.д.

Smart working tools for smart working environment (flexi-time,

remote work,

Also, remote work via the Internet and the use of the Internet for human resources development, which is often termed e-learning and refers to training that is provided through ICT structures, are of interest with respect to Internet use in enterprises.

Помимо этого определенный интерес с точки зрения использования Интернета предприятиями представляют дистанционная работа с помощью Интернета и использование Интернета для развития людских ресурсов, которое часто называют электронным обучением и под которым понимается профессиональная подготовка, обеспечиваемая через структуры ИКТ.

Remote work by the members of the Commission had consistently taken place since 1997 for the preparation of several official documents.

Remote work, working from home arrangements and working at flexible hours becomes possible and more common.

Процедуры работы на удалении, работы из дома и работы на основании гибкого графика рабочего дня становятся возможными и все более распространенными.

Mistakes or inadequate detail in project design phases would lead to ill-conceived plans and ambiguous roles and responsibilities, making remote work more difficult, and increasing the risk of cost and time overruns and missed objectives.

Допущенные на этапах разработки проектов ошибки или неточности могут привести к составлению неудачных планов и нечеткому определению функций и ответственности участников, что осложнит дистанционную работу и повысит риск перерасхода средств, несоблюдения графика и невыполнения поставленных задач.

In live meetings, interpreters rely on being able to see delegates other than those actually speaking, and excellent video information might go some way towards compensating for other inherent deficiencies of remote work.

При «живых» заседаниях переводчики привыкли видеть и других делегатов, а не только выступающих в данных момент, и отличная видеоинформация может каким-то образом компенсировать другие возникающие недостатки работы на расстоянии.

remote work — с английского на русский

  • Remote Office Center — Remote Office Centers are office space leasing centers which lease individual offices to employees from multiple companies in a single office location or center. The purpose of Remote Office Centers is to provide professional office space in… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote viewing — (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Play — is a feature on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable which allows a PlayStation Portable user to interact with their PlayStation 3 s Xross Media Bar. Users can access music, videos, photos, PlayStation games, and various applications stored …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Desktop Protocol — (RDP) is a multi channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a computer running Microsoft Terminal Services. Clients exist for most versions of Windows (including handheld versions), and other operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD,… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote control software — is software used in remote administration to allow use of computers or other hardware at a separate location. A typical use is to control a computing server or desktop computer from another desktop computer. The remote control software consists… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Access Service — Remote Access Services (RAS) refers to any combination of hardware and software to enable the remote access to tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices. Originally coined by Microsoft when referring to their built in… …   Wikipedia

  • remote working — reˌmote ˈworking noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES COMPUTING when people working for a company work from their homes, using a computer which is connected to the computer system in an office: • What personnel departments did not anticipate were… …   Financial and business terms

  • Work systems — Work system has been used loosely in many areas. This article concerns its use in understanding IT reliant systems in organizations. A notable use of the term occurred in 1977 in the first volume of MIS Quarterly in two articles by Bostrom and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Area Firefighting Team — (RAFT) personnel are specialists who are particularly effective for work in rugged, isolated areas that firefighting tankers can’t access by road. They can then be transported in 4WD before hiking to the fireground, or sometimes winched in by… …   Wikipedia

  • Work Activity Management — (WAM) is the process of creating, delegating and tracking the progress of multiple tasks to completion. It is the next step in the form of project management, which is described as “the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Database Access — (RDA) is a protocol standard for database access. Purpose RDA describes the connection of a database client to a database server. It includes features for * communicating database operations and parameters from the client to the server, * in… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote work по Русский, перевод, Английский-Русский Словарь

    en In its resolution 67/255, the General Assembly recalled its previous request to the Secretary-General to enhance the principles of work-life balance in the Secretariat (para. 30) and emphasized the need to foster a greater understanding among managers of the benefits of authorizing, where appropriate, remote work, family-friendly policies and more flexible working arrangements and the more effective working practices that such arrangements could facilitate.

    UN-2ru Защита ни разу не заслушала показания жены

    en Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take positive steps in this regard, including, inter alia, through fostering a greater understanding among managers of the benefits of authorizing, where appropriate, remote work, family-friendly policies and more flexible working arrangements and the more effective working practices that such arrangements can facilitate, with due regard for the need to monitor the impact on staff performance and the importance of ensuring that access by Member States to the Secretariat remains unaffected;

    UN-2ru Она, вероятно, находится под действием всех видов лекарств

    en How does this remote work?

    tatoebaru Четыре раза!

    en I’m looking for remote work — 3D graphics , music and audio , web design .

    Common crawlru Все будет хорошо

    en Also, a labour exchange will be available for the inhabitants of Deeptown, where some organization may offer a remote work via Deeptown, and users, naturally, can browse all available vacancies.

    Common crawlru Здесь, прочти это.- Что это?

    en The project aimed to streamline the documentation workflow by automating key processes, thereby increasing the efficiency and quality of translation and related processes and facilitating remote working arrangements.

    UN-2ru Я надрезал один из кексов Аманды

    en Staff members under the age of 40, in particular, expressed great support for more flexible and non-traditional working environments and were comfortable with the use of the technology needed to facilitate remote working.

    UN-2ru Генри…Я умираю

    en Also, remote work via the Internet and the use of the Internet for human resources development, which is often termed e-learning and refers to training that is provided through ICT structures, are of interest with respect to Internet use in enterprises

    MultiUnru Никогда не выпивали перед выступлением по радио?

    en Remote working by the members of the Commission with the consent of the submitting State;

    UN-2ru У нас нет ракетных установок

    en Also, remote work via the Internet and the use of the Internet for human resources development, which is often termed e-learning and refers to training that is provided through ICT structures, are of interest with respect to Internet use in enterprises.

    UN-2ru Америка должна брать лучших на работу.Будь лучшим- получишь работу

    en Across all sectors, the productivity-enhancing applications of broadband technology are numerous, including more efficient information-sharing, communication and transactions between locations and with clients, cost-saving Voice-over-IP telephony, processing of multimedia-contents, remote work and the more effective maintenance of Internet presences and e-commerce systems.

    UN-2ru Я не намерена больше это выслушивать

    en Mistakes or inadequate detail in project design phases would lead to ill-conceived plans and ambiguous roles and responsibilities, making remote work more difficult, and increasing the risk of cost and time overruns and missed objectives.

    UN-2ru Я сам все закрою

    en Remote work by the members of the Commission had consistently taken place since 1997 for the preparation of several official documents.

    UN-2ru Я иду на север, недель # или #… до тех пор, пока не доберусь до равнины

    en On the demand side there are numerous factors preserving the level of inactivity, including primarily the lack of adequate jobs, the high costs of commuting that make it difficult to take up jobs in remote work places (that, according to findings of surveys, are restricting the inclination of women in the worst positions, to commute) and the persistence between the wages paid to men and to women the negative discrimination in the labour market against women with small children

    MultiUnru Кажется, я ведь его не спрашивал, а?

    en Across all sectors, the productivity-enhancing applications of broadband technology are numerous, including more efficient information-sharing, communication and transactions between locations and with clients, cost-saving Voice-over-IP telephony, processing of multimedia-contents, remote work and the more effective maintenance of Internet presences and e-commerce systems

    MultiUnru Ну, я старался, но

    en According to some delegations, remote working of the Commission and the use of teleconferencing methods, as mentioned in section V.D of document SPLOS/208, could be implemented, where practicable, taking due account of factors such as members’ access to proper technologies and the confidentiality of submissions.

    UN-2ru Нам нужно замаскировать запах этого Том Ка Гай

    en Instead, we are told to wait patiently for the FFM to finish its remote work going through a mass of some information without even going to the site.

    mid.ruru Ты мечтаешь не о свободе

    en On the other hand, a high degree of consistency at the personal level is evident: individuals who have a more positive view of the quality of the visual and sound information available to them also feel less burdened by remote working conditions, and vice versa.

    UN-2ru О чем ты разговаривала с мистером Кочевски?

    en On the demand side there are numerous factors preserving the level of inactivity, including primarily the lack of adequate jobs, the high costs of commuting that make it difficult to take up jobs in remote work places (that, according to findings of surveys, are restricting the inclination of women in the worst positions, to commute) and the persistence between the wages paid to men and to women the negative discrimination in the labour market against women with small children.

    UN-2ru А я, как вы знаете, не часто » пылаю «

    en On the other hand, a high degree of consistency at the personal level is evident: individuals who have a more positive view of the quality of the visual and sound information available to them also feel less burdened by remote working conditions, and vice versa

    MultiUnru Какой же ты придурок!

    en In live meetings, interpreters rely on being able to see delegates other than those actually speaking, and excellent video information might go some way towards compensating for other inherent deficiencies of remote work.

    UN-2ru У вас пристрастие к марихуане с нарциссическим расстройством личности

    en At UNDP, services were seriously slowed down and delayed, but due to the remote working capability of the staff there was no major interruption of services and work could be continued from home and from the provisional alternate location.

    UN-2ru Бог не наказывает виновных и не награждает праведных

    remote+work 🎓 ⚗ перевод со всех языков на русский

  • Remote Office Center — Remote Office Centers are office space leasing centers which lease individual offices to employees from multiple companies in a single office location or center. The purpose of Remote Office Centers is to provide professional office space in… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote viewing — (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Play — is a feature on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable which allows a PlayStation Portable user to interact with their PlayStation 3 s Xross Media Bar. Users can access music, videos, photos, PlayStation games, and various applications stored …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Desktop Protocol — (RDP) is a multi channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a computer running Microsoft Terminal Services. Clients exist for most versions of Windows (including handheld versions), and other operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD,… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote control software — is software used in remote administration to allow use of computers or other hardware at a separate location. A typical use is to control a computing server or desktop computer from another desktop computer. The remote control software consists… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Access Service — Remote Access Services (RAS) refers to any combination of hardware and software to enable the remote access to tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices. Originally coined by Microsoft when referring to their built in… …   Wikipedia

  • remote working — reˌmote ˈworking noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES COMPUTING when people working for a company work from their homes, using a computer which is connected to the computer system in an office: • What personnel departments did not anticipate were… …   Financial and business terms

  • Work systems — Work system has been used loosely in many areas. This article concerns its use in understanding IT reliant systems in organizations. A notable use of the term occurred in 1977 in the first volume of MIS Quarterly in two articles by Bostrom and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Area Firefighting Team — (RAFT) personnel are specialists who are particularly effective for work in rugged, isolated areas that firefighting tankers can’t access by road. They can then be transported in 4WD before hiking to the fireground, or sometimes winched in by… …   Wikipedia

  • Work Activity Management

    — (WAM) is the process of creating, delegating and tracking the progress of multiple tasks to completion. It is the next step in the form of project management, which is described as “the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Database Access — (RDA) is a protocol standard for database access. Purpose RDA describes the connection of a database client to a database server. It includes features for * communicating database operations and parameters from the client to the server, * in… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Direct Memory Access — (RDMA) allows data to move directly from the memory of one computer into that of another without involving either one s operating system. This permits high throughput, low latency networking, which is especially useful in massively parallel… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote control — For other uses, see Remote control (disambiguation). A television remote control unit (RCU) A remote control is a component of an electronics device, most commonly a television set, used for operating the television device wireless …   Wikipedia

  • Remote keyless system — A remote keyless system is a system designed to remotely permit or deny access to premises or automobiles. There are several RKE systems on the market, including but not limited to KeeLoq by Microchip, HITAG by Philips, and AVR411 by Atmel.In the …   Wikipedia

  • Remote backup service — Types of Internet hosting service Full featured hosting Virtual private server · Dedicated hosting · …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Database Administration — In remote database administration (Remote DBA), a client computer is monitored and professionally managed from a remote location, usually by a third party company, to ensure that the database and computer system that is being monitored continues… …   Wikipedia

  • remote+work — с английского на все языки

  • Remote Office Center — Remote Office Centers are office space leasing centers which lease individual offices to employees from multiple companies in a single office location or center. The purpose of Remote Office Centers is to provide professional office space in… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote viewing — (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Play — is a feature on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable which allows a PlayStation Portable user to interact with their PlayStation 3 s Xross Media Bar. Users can access music, videos, photos, PlayStation games, and various applications stored …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Desktop Protocol — (RDP) is a multi channel protocol that allows a user to connect to a computer running Microsoft Terminal Services. Clients exist for most versions of Windows (including handheld versions), and other operating systems such as Linux, FreeBSD,… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote control software — is software used in remote administration to allow use of computers or other hardware at a separate location. A typical use is to control a computing server or desktop computer from another desktop computer. The remote control software consists… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Access Service — Remote Access Services (RAS) refers to any combination of hardware and software to enable the remote access to tools or information that typically reside on a network of IT devices. Originally coined by Microsoft when referring to their built in… …   Wikipedia

  • remote working — reˌmote ˈworking noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES COMPUTING when people working for a company work from their homes, using a computer which is connected to the computer system in an office: • What personnel departments did not anticipate were… …   Financial and business terms

  • Work systems — Work system has been used loosely in many areas. This article concerns its use in understanding IT reliant systems in organizations. A notable use of the term occurred in 1977 in the first volume of MIS Quarterly in two articles by Bostrom and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Area Firefighting Team — (RAFT) personnel are specialists who are particularly effective for work in rugged, isolated areas that firefighting tankers can’t access by road. They can then be transported in 4WD before hiking to the fireground, or sometimes winched in by… …   Wikipedia

  • Work Activity Management — (WAM) is the process of creating, delegating and tracking the progress of multiple tasks to completion. It is the next step in the form of project management, which is described as “the discipline of organizing and managing resources in such a… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Database Access — (RDA) is a protocol standard for database access. Purpose RDA describes the connection of a database client to a database server. It includes features for * communicating database operations and parameters from the client to the server, * in… …   Wikipedia

  • remote working — со всех языков на русский

  • remote working — reˌmote ˈworking noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES COMPUTING when people working for a company work from their homes, using a computer which is connected to the computer system in an office: • What personnel departments did not anticipate were… …   Financial and business terms

  • remote working — re.mote working n [U] when people do their work at home, using a computer that is connected to the computer system in an office = ↑homeworking …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • remote worker — remote working UK US noun [U] ► HR, WORKPLACE a situation in which an employee works mainly from home and communicates with the company by email and telephone: »Management methods have had to adapt to the rise in popularity of remote working.… …   Financial and business terms

  • working — Attempting to complete the remaining part of a trade, by finding either buyers or sellers for the rest. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * working work‧ing [ˈwɜːkɪŋ ǁ ˈwɜːr ] adjective [only before a noun] 1. working people have jobs that they… …   Financial and business terms

  • Remote viewing — (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote handling — is the synergistic combination of technology and engineering management systems to enable operators to safely, reliably and repeatedly perform manipulation of items without being in personal contact with those items.OverviewRemote handling is the …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Control Productions — is a film score company run by veteran composer Hans Zimmer. Originally known as Media Ventures, which was conceived and founded by Jay Rifkin and Hans Zimmer,[1] the company changed its name after the partners both filed lawsuits against each… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote sensing (archaeology) — Remote sensing techniques in archaeology are an increasingly important component of the technical and methodological tool set available in archaeological research. Rindfuss,Ronald R and Stern, Paul C. Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science:… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote recording — Remote recording, also known as location recording, is the act of making a high quality complex audio recording of a live concert performance, or any other location recording that uses multitrack recording techniques outside of a recording studio …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Office Center — Remote Office Centers are office space leasing centers which lease individual offices to employees from multiple companies in a single office location or center. The purpose of Remote Office Centers is to provide professional office space in… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote control — For other uses, see Remote control (disambiguation). A television remote control unit (RCU) A remote control is a component of an electronics device, most commonly a television set, used for operating the television device wireless …   Wikipedia

  • remote working — с английского на русский

  • remote working — reˌmote ˈworking noun [uncountable] HUMAN RESOURCES COMPUTING when people working for a company work from their homes, using a computer which is connected to the computer system in an office: • What personnel departments did not anticipate were… …   Financial and business terms

  • remote working — re.mote working n [U] when people do their work at home, using a computer that is connected to the computer system in an office = ↑homeworking …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • remote worker — remote working UK US noun [U] ► HR, WORKPLACE a situation in which an employee works mainly from home and communicates with the company by email and telephone: »Management methods have had to adapt to the rise in popularity of remote working.… …   Financial and business terms

  • working — Attempting to complete the remaining part of a trade, by finding either buyers or sellers for the rest. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * working work‧ing [ˈwɜːkɪŋ ǁ ˈwɜːr ] adjective [only before a noun] 1. working people have jobs that they… …   Financial and business terms

  • Remote viewing — (RV) refers to the attempt to gather information about a distant or unseen target using paranormal means or extra sensory perception. Typically a remote viewer is expected to give information about an object that is hidden from physical view and… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote handling — is the synergistic combination of technology and engineering management systems to enable operators to safely, reliably and repeatedly perform manipulation of items without being in personal contact with those items.OverviewRemote handling is the …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Control Productions — is a film score company run by veteran composer Hans Zimmer. Originally known as Media Ventures, which was conceived and founded by Jay Rifkin and Hans Zimmer,[1] the company changed its name after the partners both filed lawsuits against each… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote sensing (archaeology) — Remote sensing techniques in archaeology are an increasingly important component of the technical and methodological tool set available in archaeological research. Rindfuss,Ronald R and Stern, Paul C. Linking Remote Sensing and Social Science:… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote recording — Remote recording, also known as location recording, is the act of making a high quality complex audio recording of a live concert performance, or any other location recording that uses multitrack recording techniques outside of a recording studio …   Wikipedia

  • Remote Office Center — Remote Office Centers are office space leasing centers which lease individual offices to employees from multiple companies in a single office location or center. The purpose of Remote Office Centers is to provide professional office space in… …   Wikipedia

  • Remote control — For other uses, see Remote control (disambiguation). A television remote control unit (RCU) A remote control is a component of an electronics device, most commonly a television set, used for operating the television device wireless …   Wikipedia

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